Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Week in Pictures

Easter Outfits
I came home to this!
Hugs and Kisses from my hubby!
Lucy loves popcorn and sometimes it gets caught in her fur. :)

Before: I attempted to sew a "play outfit" for Lucy so she wouldn't bring so much dead grass inside with her. 

She loves it (and looks so dumb)!
"Stop taking pictures and throw the ball already!"


Anonymous said...

Love the dog outfit! : - )

annabelle82 said...

LLLLOOOOOOLLLLL!!!! Lucy is hilarious! Nice outfit! haha I really did lol :) I love your easter dress! I thought that when I saw it in your VA post. Beautiful flowers too. How sweet :) So sorry I haven't been keeping up with your posts!!! Catching up now :)