Friday, December 3, 2010

Day 4 - Your Favorite Boook

This one is so extremely hard to choose just ONE book. I mean, come on! I love to read! Almost every Christian would say the Bible, as will I. Some days I just love to curl up with a book by Christian author Ted Dekker. When Paul is gone for long bouts, I seem to always find a Nicholas Sparks book to read. However, the classics like Pride and Prejudice are always a great alternative to the hectic lifestyle of the 21st century. Have you ever read the real Grimm Brother's stories? They are very odd and nothing like Disney portraits, but, they are ever so fun to read aloud in the car while the other one drives. I love Stephen and Sean Covey's "7 Habits" books and I do confess I am reading a little Dan Brown right now (cringe).

But if there is one book I could choose, it would be my Nook. I know, I know, it isn't a "real" book. But, it does hold so many books for me to enjoy at my every whim. I always carry it with me just in case I get that spare second to read. I absolutely love my Nook and recommend it to anyone that enjoys to read.

1 comment:

Kaitie Jane said...

Aren't they amazing?!? I have a Kindle and love it!!! Good resource for book lovers like us =) Currently reading An American Life, by and about President Ronald Reagan Miss you!