Monday, December 8, 2008

That time of the year!

It is finally here...this week is our finals week!!
Paul had two finals on Friday, Military Science and Finance, and is studying away for his last one tomorrow morning at 7:30 am. He has been feverishly stuyding for his Economic's exam that is going to be a very intense final! After tomorrow he is finished with his last Fall semester and is looking ahead to all the holiday festivities.
I took my first final this morning for my Turfgrass and Ecology class. I still have Genetics tomorrow, Chemistry on Wednesday, and one more final in a Literature class (dumb) on Thursday. Yesterday I came down with a severe cold and it is really impairing my thinking skills so I am hoping that with lots of caffeine and fluids that I can get better soon and be alert enough to take these exams. I haven't been sick for quite awhile and during finals week it sets in...oh well! Could be worse right?
To all of you enduring finals week...good luck!! Hang in there!! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh!!! I understand more than I would like to, Sara!!!! Although at least I recognize the names of my classes...what is Turfgrass and Ecology?!?! Only a week and three days left until I am home!!!